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Aluminium constructions for your safety
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JOMY| We offer you yearly maintenance contracts on our installtions so you can be sure about the functionality of your JOMY installation at all times.

Installation, maintenance, cleaning and inspection services

Security lies in the full quality of your installations. Find our available yearly contracts here. All services are carried out by our trained and fully equipped technicians according to the instructions of our engineers.


The JOMY structures are installed by our own technicians, under the same supervision, and followed-up by the engineers responsible for your project.

In order to ensure that the JOMY aluminium constructions are installed in accordance to the engineers’ specifications, we have skilled technicians that are in charge of the installation.

Very important to emphasize is the fact that the process is monitored by the engineer who sold it and the one who was responsible for the design. In this way, everyone takes responsibility in ensuring that the installation is perfect. Should there be any mistake, our team will correct it immediately.

This way of working allows us also to get our installations inspected by recognized inspection agencies like AIB - Vinçotte.

Preventive maintenance and service after completion

The JOMY installations and products don’t regularly require maintenance but it is good to check from time to time the moving parts. Nonetheless, the cleaning of the installations has to be done.

Also, an in-depth inspection of the installation and the conditions surrounding the installation is very useful. For example, a retractable ladder needs space at the bottom to open properly and be functional and if things are placed on the ground where the ladder should fall on, it can have disastrous consequences in case of a fire evacuation.

We provide yearly maintenance contracts at very affordable prices and this will give you the peace of mind that your evacuation installation will be in perfect condition and ready to be used when needed.

If for some reason a building has to be modified, it is sometimes necessary to adapt the existing JOMY installation. Such a demand can be met very quickly by our team as JOMY keeps all relative technical documents at hand at all times.

Easy installation of JOMY ladders
JOMY installation van next to a JOMY retractable ladder.
JOMY installation van next to a Mini-JOMY retractable ladder.

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